Learn to solve monetisation problems at work & build strategies to increase free-to-paid conversions
The learning experience team and members from companies like:
Who is this for?
Product Managers
Growth Managers
Assess if your company is ready for monetisation
Scale your Free-to-Paid conversions with the Value framework
Maximise conversions by learning how to design effective trials
Increase ARPU by upselling and cross-selling to existing customers
Build Monetisation Strategies like:
What will you learn?
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be a member to access Foundations?
No, Foundations are open to everyone, irrespective of you being a GrowthX member.
Will I always have access to Foundations?
You will always have access to the Foundation you sign up for. However, Foundations may or may not always be available to everyone.
How long does it take to complete a Foundation?
Foundations are completely self paced. Based on the foundation itself, it may take you anywhere between just a couple of hours to 4-5 hours to complete a Foundation
Are Foundations for me?
Foundations are built for anyone who is solving problem statements across distribution, product, strategy and leadership for internet first companies.
Specific Foundations may only be relevant to a specific functions. More on if a Foundation is for you on the detail page of each Foundation